SONiC Newsletter - December 2020

OCP Tech Week Virtual Event

Nov 9,10, & 12,13 - 2020

OCP China Day 2020


It has been a new normal year 2020 for us ! Appreciate all the community members for the excellent achievement for making two releases in the year amidst the pandemic.

Contributions from the community has doubled in the year 2020, when compared to 2019. 50+ new features have been added in the year 2020 against 27 new features in 2019. Similarly number of Pull Request increased from 2480 to 4000+ PRs from 250+ active contributors in the current year. 10 new platforms have been added in the year to the SONiC portfolio. 13 new partners have joined hands with the SONiC community in this year.

Successfully participated in the OCP Virtual Submit, NetDev Virtual Conference, SONiC Eco-system Conference, OCP Tech Week and OCP China Day. Have demonstrated the SONiC capabilities to the world through an Industry Demo.

Created 5 new workgroups to have a focused feature specific community discussions and contributions, recent being Kubernetes & MPLS Workgroup!

Wishing all our community members a wonderful New year 2021 & looking forward for another successful year ahead !

More Community News:

OCP China Day 2020 Drives Open Source Innovation in the Region!

Meet SONiC, the new NOS (definitely not the same as the old NOS)

Heavy Networking 551: An Insider Guide To The SONiC Network OS

Broadcom Breaks New Ground with Trident SmartToR, Converging Switching, Routing, and L4-L7 Services

IP Infusion Extends its Disaggregated Networking Portfolio


SONiC 202012 Release:

Community is currently occupied with the features planned in the Roadmap which is being tracked in Release Tracking. A branch will be pulled in couple of days with the completed features.

Features Planned - Consistent ECMP support(fine grain ECMP), Container warm restart (BGP/TeamD/SWSS/SyncD), CoPP Config/Management, Console support for SONiC(Hardware), Console support for SONiC(ssh forwarding), Dynamic headroom calculation,Enable synchronous SAI APIs for error handling, EVPN/VXLAN, SONiC entity MIB extensions, FRR BGP NBI, Gearbox, Kubernetes (docker to be controlled by Kubernetes), MACSec support in chassis, Management Framework (Phase 2), MC-LAG (L2), Merge common lib for C++ and python (SWSS common lib), Move from Python2->python3, Multi-ASIC 202006, Multi-DB enhancement-Part 2, ONIE FW tools(Incl. CPLD, BIOS, SSD, Firmware upgrade[Uniform Tool]), PDDF advance to SONiC Platform 2.0, BMC, PDK - Platform Development Environment, RADIUS AAA, SONiC app extension(w/o orchagent), Support hardware reboot/reload reason (Streaming Telemetry), System health and system LED, PCIe Monitoring, Distributed forwarding in a VOQ architecture, Distributed VOQ architecture HLD, Platform Monitoring for Chassis systems, Routing/BGP for Chassis, Fabric Port support for SONiC, LAG Support for Chassis, Chassis infrastructure, T2 topologies and sample Testcases converted, Inband port support for Chassis, Everflow Support etc.,

  • DellEMC - s5296F
  • Arista - 7050CX3
06 Oct 2020

SONiC TPID Configuration Support

13 Oct 2020

SONiC Reproducible Build design

20 Oct 2020

Release 202012 Discussion

27 Oct 2020


03 Nov 2020

SONiC Application Extension

17 Nov 2020

Reboot-cause Telemetry/PCIe monitor service

24 Nov 2020

SONiC Application Extension

08 Dec 2020

PMON enhancements for Chassis HLD

15 Dec 2020

Release 202012 Discussion